Sunday, September 4, 2011

100 Things

Totally stole this from Allison. Thought it would be a good way to get this blog thing started. And really, what else do I have to do? Sleep? Ha! Don't be ridiculous.

1. I'm married to Colt.
2. Our four year anniversary is in 5 days.
3. We picked the date, 09.08.07, so that it would be easy for HIM to remember.
4. The date has probably saved my butt more than it has his.
5. I met Colt when I was only 13 years old!
6. We met in Oklahoma.
7. We have two dachshunds, Luke and Wilbur, who pretty much rule our lives.
8. Luke and Wilbur have a rude awakening coming in about 6 weeks.
9. We are pregnant with our first baby, Addison Grace, due on October 15.
10. We are anxious about how Luke and Wilbur will react to Addison.
11. Our pregnancy was not planned, but we are excited anyway.
12. I'm horrified of giving birth.
13. I have been pretty lucky with a normal pregnancy.
14. We have been attending a birthing class (my idea).
15. I have hated almost every moment of the birthing class, while Colt seems to thoroughly enjoy it.
16. Colt learned he can catch the baby and now thinks he wants to do this.
17. I do not understand why anyone, including the doctor, would want to catch the baby.
18. I do not share my mom's belief that labor and birth is "a beautiful thing."
19. Maybe I will change my mind.
20. I do not like hospitals.
21. I do not want to stay the night in the hospital.
22. Even though I hate hospitals, a home birth is not an option for me.
23. I am claustrophobic.
24. I do not like my neck to be touched.
25. Because it might lead to strangulation.
26. I hate mornings.
27. I hate bugs. Especially spiders.
28. If I talk about my fear of spiders, I have nightmares.
29. If someone else tells a spider story, I have nightmares.
30. I will probably have a nightmare tonight.
31. Colt hates it when I have spider nightmares. He does not understand my fear.
32. I have a thing for bald men. Not balding, but bald.
33. I am in love with Vin Diesel.
34. Colt knows I am in love with Vin and will actually point him out for me when he's on TV, in a movie, etc.
35. Most of the guys I dated before Colt were bald.
36. Colt has a full head of hair and refuses to go bald.
37. But I love him anyway.
38. I also love Tim McGraw, but only when he has his hat on.
39. Tim's music has an instant calming effect on me.
40. I have seen Tim in concert 9 times.
41. I was supposed to see him in concert for the 10th time in June 2008.
42. I couldn't go to the concert b/c law school started that night.
43. I am in my last semester of law school.
44. Since starting law school in 2008, I have worked full time and gone to school 4 nights a week.
45. I spend most of my weekends reading and studying for law school.
46. I have missed out on a lot of activities with friends and family because of law school.
47. I am really looking forward to having my life back.
48. Even though I graduate in December, I don't get my life back until March.
49. I will take the Washington state bar in February 2012.
50. I am really nervous about the bar.
51. I don't want to take it more than once.
52. I will be studying for and taking the bar exam while caring for and nursing an infant.
53. Breastfeeding is important to me, but I'm worried it will be difficult to maintain with my schedule.
54. I love to read.
55. I love my Kindle.
56. I think everyone should have a Kindle.
57. I love the Kindle app on my iPhone.
58. I think everyone should have an iPhone.
59. I love beaches and the ocean.
60. I love that Colt also loves beaches and the ocean.
61. I hate camping.
62. Colt hates that I hate camping.
63. He is trying to convince me to buy a camper.
64. I prefer hotels, nice cozy cottages in the mountains or beautiful cabins on the beach.
65. I don't like tents (hence the camper idea).
66. I don't like sleeping bags.
67. I like to be able to shower regularly. And brush my teeth.
68. As previously mentioned, I don't like bugs. Or spiders.
69. I want to try camping for Colt's benefit, but I'm afraid it is going to be an epic disaster.
70. I moved a lot growing up.
71. I moved to Washington after high school to be closer to Colt.
72. I have now lived in Washington longer than I ever lived anywhere else.
73. I moved here (by plane) on September 9, 2001.
74. That was two days before 9-11.
75. I love Washington and don't ever plan on leaving.
76. I hate being so far from my family.
77. I wish they would all move out here.
78. I also hate being so far from my BFF Lindsey.
79. She lives in Colorado.
80. We met in 8th grade and maintained contact even after both of our families moved out of state.
81. We were both the maid of honor in each others weddings.
82. I was incredibly drunk at her wedding and don't remember anything I said during my toast.
83. This still makes me nervous because I had the HUGEST crush on her brother (who was bald by the way) all throughout high school.
84. During her toast at my wedding, Lindsey told a story about how we ran from the cops in high school.
85. Many of the people in attendance at my wedding were in the field of law enforcement.
86. My other BFF is Shauna.
87. She is amazing and I'm so glad she lives close by.
88. We met in college while working for the Thunderword newspaper.
89. I remember she had a major crush on this photographer named Chuck.
90. Chuck and Shauna are now married.
91. They were both in our wedding and we were both in their wedding.
92. Shauna and I often get involved in projects that turn out to be much larger and more involved than we anticipated.
93. Shauna just threw me the most amazing baby shower.
94. I have two sisters.
95. I am the youngest.
96. I love Leavenworth, WA.
97. I really miss wine and sushi.
98. I am exhausted, but suffer from pregnancy insomnia.
99. I can't wash dishes because I don't like for my hands to be wet.
100. I am afraid of the dark.

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